Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Scavenger Hunt

  1. What is the population of the United States? 316,668,567 as of July 2013.

  1. What are the five largest countries in the world, by population? 1. China  2. India 3. United states 4. Indonesia 5. Brazil

  1. What is the population of Pakistan? 193,238,868 as of July 2013.

  1. What kind of government does the United States have? Constitution-based federal republic; strong democratic tradition.

  1. What is the unemployment rate in Zimbabwe? 95% of Zimbabwe is unemployed as of 2009.

  1. What is the largest country in the world by area? Russia

  1. What country has the third greatest number of airports? Mexico

  1. What country has the greatest number of exports? China

  1. What country exports more oil than any other? Saudi Arabia

  1. What country imports more oil than any other? United States

  1. What country has the second largest proven reserves of crude oil in the world? Saudi Arabia

  1. Can women serve in combat roles in China’s military? Yes

  1. What is GDP?  value of all final goods and services produced within a nation in a given year

  1. What country has the highest GDP per capita in the world, and how much is it? Qatar it is $103,900

     15. Is the US in the top ten for GDP per capita? No it is 14th in the world

     16.Most of the countries with the highest birth rates can be found in what continent? Africa

     17. 11 of the top 12 countries with the highest number of deaths from HIV/AIDS can be        found in which continent? You find it under people and society

     18. What other country is in the top ten? Europe

     19. Where does the US rank in HIV/AIDS deaths? The U.S. ranks 18 compared to the world

     20. Is the US #1 in number of cellular phones? No

     21. What percentage of the US is Roman Catholic?  23.9 percent

     22. What percentage of Mexico is Roman Catholic? 82.7 percent

     23. What is Net Migration Rate? The difference between the number of people entering and leaving a country during the year per 1,000 people.
     24. Does the US have the highest Net Migration Rate in the world? No, Libya does.

     25. According to the Factbook, what is the current population of the entire planet? 7,095,217,980 people as of July 2013

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Vocab terms

                Today in human geography, we looked at vocab terms. Mr. Schick presented a slideshow to us and he told us what the terms mean. I’m pretty sure we got to all the terms and we also got some notes down for the test. Mr. Schick told us that we write very slowly and we need to learn to write faster. He scared me a little when he said that in college, the professor will move on very fast. By the time we finished the slideshow, everybody was ready for the day to be over because the students were all worn out from the day and writing. I think that I am not prepared for the test, but I’ll be sure to study a lot and I’ll know what to expect on other tests and quizzes further into the school year.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Human Geography Test

      Today in human geography, we had a pretty hard test to do. The test was ten questions and there were three essays on the back of the paper involved. I did not think the test was that easy because of how much we had to write on the essays. The essays had to be really detailed and had to cover the page. After the test was finally over and I was done, Mr. Schick let us work on homework which I am doing right now. I am glad that I have finished most of my homework in all my classes because now I don’t have to do any homework over the weekend. It took up the whole class to get everybody finished but thankfully we did not have anyone that did not finish. I thought that today’s class was not that fun but I hope to have better classes further into the year!

Thursday, September 19, 2013


          Today in human geography, we presented our PowerPoint presentations about globalization to the class. I thought it was very interesting to see what people wrote down for their pros and cons about it. I think that my group did really well presenting it and I wish that was graded because of how hard we worked on it. While other people were presenting though, other people were trying to get theirs done so they weren't paying attention to the people that were presenting. I think that Mr. Schick liked the power points and was very impressed, except for not showing that much detail. Other than that, I think he liked what everybody presented. Today was an interesting day and I have studied hard for the test tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Nike Discussion

            Today in Human Geography, we discussed about the “Behind the Swoosh” video we watched yesterday. We took a deeper look into it and read some articles about how bad it really was to work there. After we read some articles and discussed about it, I realized how bad they have it and how good we have it. It makes me look back on life and realize that Americans get a lot and Indonesians can barely eat a meal. To me, it’s really sad and unfair that this happens because the workers are people too. It should not matter where they live or what language they speak. It should be about how hard they work and they probably work harder than half the Americans in the U.S. Human Geography really teaches me that I have it really good and I shouldn’t take it for granted every day because there are people out there working harder than ever as we speak.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Video Today

            Today in Human Geography, we watched a video on YouTube called “Behind the Swoosh”. It was a twenty minute long video that talked about paying minimum wage to employees that lived in Indonesia. A famous soccer player was very concerned about it, so he went to Indonesia and protested that the employees deserve more money. We haven’t finished the video, so we don’t know the outcome of it yet, but I am totally against the employees working for $1.25 a day. I think they should work for more money and get the basic needs in life like everybody else. The foreign countries deserve just as much as we do so why treat them like dirt?

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Group Projects

        Yesterday in Human Geography, we had a lot of problems going on. Our wireless internet wasn’t working and that took up half the class trying to get it to work. I think that the whole class was happy because we didn’t have to do research. After the internet was finally working, we got into groups for a project. Our project was to create a slideshow of the pros and cons of globalization. Globalization is sharing and importing products around the world. We went to the google drive to do our project which was really cool. I love working with the google drive because it is so much easier than using one computer and switching back and forth and sharing ideas. With the google drive, you can use as many computers as you want and they don’t have to be in the same room to work together! Yesterday’s human geography class turned out pretty good and it was a lot of work.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Class Today!

       Today in Human Geography, we looked at pictures that was surprising to us. The first picture we looked at was a KFC and McDonalds in Japan. I thought this was very surprising to me because it showed how much connection there is in the world and I find that really cool. Another picture we looked at was a man from Kenya using a phone. This was really unusual because a lot of people in Kenya are poor and can barely afford clothes. This man could not only afford the basic needs to live, but also afford a phone which I found very interesting. There’s also barely any service in Kenya, but this man managed to pick up some service from a cell phone tower. I thought what we looked at today was pretty interesting and cool and I am amazed by all these things in America today.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

9/11 Discussion

      Today in human geography we talked about 9/11, one of the most memorable days in American history. We asked questions about that day, and we got to have a whole conversation about it. I thought that it was very interesting and that day really does amaze me because of how horrible it is to have terrorists do this to us. Mr. Schick also told us about his experience when 9/11 happened. He told us how depressing and creepy it was to have this happen. Some people even though that that day was the beginning of world war 3! After we talked about 9/11, we took some notes in our book and Mr. Schick showed us some pictures about world connection. Today’s class was very inspiring and I thought it was amazing to have us talk about this horrific event and I can’t wait for upcoming classes!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Class Today

    Today in human Geography, we were taught how to use the google drive. The google drive is where we can share our documents and projects with Each other without being on the same computer or being in the same room. We got into groups of our choice and  then we downloaded the app onto our laptops so we could get started on our paper. Mr. Schick had us write questions and answers that we thought would be on the test. The class got a little distracted by how interesting the app was, but we understood everything that Mr. Schick taught us. I think that this app that the teacher showed us, will be very helpful in the future for upcoming group projects or papers we will have to write. The app taught me a lot today and it has taught me easier ways to work with other people. This just shows how much technology has improved the way we learn and communicate with other people. I was taught a lot in this class today and I have definitely improved my skills in technology and learning with other students and I look forward to upcoming classes this year.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Today in Class...

    Today in class we had another student teacher, Carly. I like having students as teachers because the class has a lot of fun and we also interact a lot more. While Carly was a teacher, she had other students go over our last blog which was about the ‘did you know?’ video. We didn’t really want to share our blog, so Carly had to choose people instead which we didn’t like very much. That pretty much took up our whole class, but I thought it was really cool that Mr. Schick let us have students as teachers for the day. I think that it’s a really good idea because it motivates the class to work and succeed for the school year.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Facts video!!

   Today in human geography we watched a video called ‘did you know?’  Mr. Schick made us write down three facts that meant something to us that was in the video. The first fact I wrote down was that “The U.S. ranks 28th in the world in broadband internet penetration”. This meant a lot to me because I thought that the U.S. was would be at least 10th because of all the smartphones we have. The next fact that meant something to me was “Soon China will become the number one English speaking country. I could understand a little why that is, but the fact that China speaks more English than in the U.S. is very surprising. The last fact that meant something to me was that 1 out of 6 couples met online. I not only found this hard to believe, but I also found it kind of interesting, because you have never exactly met them in person before, but you’re still “dating” them. These facts really caught my attention and I sometimes wonder how much things change in even one day.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Class Today

    Today in Human Geography, we did plenty of things. Most of the mod, Mr. Schick let Steven teach the class. Steven was very confident in what he was doing and he didn't give up when he couldn't think of things to say. I thought today’s class was a lot more fun than our usual classes, because we interacted more and we used our laptops to look up things. While Steven was teaching the class, we went over what we learned the past few days.  Mr. Schick also was taught more things about the smart board that was useful for him. I feel that we should have students teach the class more often because it was very interacting and fun. I think that today’s Human Geography class was one of the best classes I had yet and I can’t wait for the upcoming classes we will have later in the year.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Class today

     Today in human geo we did some interesting things. First, we went over our homework and Mr. Schick checked our grades for us. Fortunately, we all had good grades and is passing the class so far. After that, we went over the definitions we were supposed to post to our blog. Our class doesn’t participate very well, so he warned us with essays and told us to participate more. When we went over our notes, we heard what other people wrote so we could have more detail in our definitions. The last thing we did in class today was Mr. Schick told us what to write if we were absent or what to do if you were absent. I had a lot of fun in human geography today and I can’t wait to see what we do further into the school year.

Vocab Terms

Agora- a public open space used for assemblies and markets         

ArĂȘte- a sharp mountain ridge

Polis- a city state in ancient Greece, esp. as considered in its ideal form for philosophical purposes

508 bc- Cleisthenes grants full rights to all free men of Athens

Socrates- a philosopher. He is one of the founders of Western philosophy

Death of Socrates- a 1787 oil on canvas painting by the French painter Jacques-Louis David

Socratic Method- a method of teaching by question and answer