Friday, January 17, 2014

Last human geo class

     Today in human geo we took a test. Overall, Mr. Schick said the tests were pretty easy. There are a lot of things that I liked about this class. The first thing I like about this class are the power points. I really think its a helpful way to study. Another thing that I like are the google documents. It was really easy for us to work on everything at the same time and get stuff done quicker. I also like the blogs. If it wasn't for the blogs, I would forget everything I learned. I only didn't like one thing about this class which was the scantrons. The scantrons were really annoying and the only thing I liked about them was that we got to see our test grades early. Overall, Human geo was an amazing class and I am happy that I have Mr. Schick for Western Civilization next semester.

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