Friday, August 30, 2013

Acheiving Excellence

         There are plenty things in high school you can do to achieve excellence. One thing you could do is be responsible. To be responsible you have to get papers in and get to classes on time, do your homework, study hard, and check your grades. Something else you can do to achieve excellence is get involved in school clubs and activities. I joined cheerleading and drama so I can have a fun, but challenging year. Another thing you can do is be organized. In order to achieve excellence in high school you have to have everything organized. Some ways to organize are labeling things, separating stuff by class in your locker, and cleaning out papers when you don’t need them anymore. Another way to achieve excellence is to get to bed at a reasonable time. If you go to bed at midnight or later, you will be super tired the next morning and not be focused which could lead to bad grades. One last way to achieve is to keep up with your grades and email by looking at them at least every week. I think that if you follow these steps to achieve excellence you will succeed in high school

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Class today

     In human geography today, we did a lot of things on the computer and it was pretty fun! We ran into some problems, but we figured everything out eventually. The first thing we did was we went over who did their homework from last night and who didn't. We also customized our blog with backgrounds and put a new link in it that we will use during the year. I learned a lot from what we were doing to our blog and it was very helpful. The last thing we did was we went over what we had to do for homework tonight. I learned a lot of things about Google and in only two days and I already understand everything that is going on in class. This is a very fun class and I am positive that I will have a good year!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My first day of high school

My first day of high school was very enjoyable and so much better than I expected. I met a lot of new people and I am very happy that I did. All my teachers are really nice and I was happy and thankful that none of the teachers are too strict. It was easy to find my way around the school and I could get to every class without getting lost or being late. The school and the people around me makes me feel welcome and I am happy that I chose John Carroll as my high school. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my four years at this school, because I know it will help me to succeed in life. I know I will get a good education from this school and learn how to make good choices in my life, and that is why I chose to John Carroll.