Friday, January 17, 2014

Last human geo class

     Today in human geo we took a test. Overall, Mr. Schick said the tests were pretty easy. There are a lot of things that I liked about this class. The first thing I like about this class are the power points. I really think its a helpful way to study. Another thing that I like are the google documents. It was really easy for us to work on everything at the same time and get stuff done quicker. I also like the blogs. If it wasn't for the blogs, I would forget everything I learned. I only didn't like one thing about this class which was the scantrons. The scantrons were really annoying and the only thing I liked about them was that we got to see our test grades early. Overall, Human geo was an amazing class and I am happy that I have Mr. Schick for Western Civilization next semester.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Final normal class

    Today in human geo, we continued to watch the movie (guns, germs, and steel) which we also finished. Mr. Schick went over everything that we needed to know for our final human geo test. He also read us the class lists for next semester and he wanted our opinion of the people that were in his sections. It's sad to have our classes separated now because weve all gotten along so well through the semester. I do have a pretty good class for Western civ even though the class is separated. Even though tomorrows our last class, I am still glad I have mr. Schick next semester because he is one of the best teachers I have ever had.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Video again

     Today in Human geography, we continued to watch the video (guns, germs, and steel), but in the beginning, we had a lot of trouble connecting to the internet so you tube wasn't working for us to watch the video. Mr. Schick even had to restart his computer and that even took a while. He also asked a student to pulled it up until it finally started working.  That took up about half the class, but after all that we got straight to work. We didn't take as many notes as yesterday, but it was a lot about animals and crops. We ran our class a little late, but overall human geography today was very hectic.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


    Today in human geo, we watched a movie called guns, germs, and steel. This took up pretty much the whole class to watch because Mr Schick stopped it every minute basically for us to take notes on the names, cities, or what's happening. We had a one hour late bell today so our class was pretty short to watch the whole thing which was an hour long. Mr. Schick also told us that out test was changed to Friday instead of Thursday even though we all thought it was Friday anyway. That was really all we did today, nothing exciting or special.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Notetaking again

       In human geography yesterday, we took a lot of notes. Before we took notes though, we had a visitor who was a junior named Charlotte. She came in and made us say a prayer and had wise words for us. After all that, we took our notes off of the power point we’ve been reading for the past couple days. Mr. Schick skipped a lot of slides because he didn’t like them that much. Overall, we didn’t do much in this Friday class, but this is a good preparation for the test Friday.

Thursday, January 9, 2014


 Today in human geo, we talked a lot about our new section that was introduced, urban geography. We took a lot of notes off of a power point while Mr. Schick was explaining everything that happened back then to us. He talked about how people talked, hunted and gathered for what they needed to survive. We also talked about how different ancient buildings were made and how they put them together without any drills or modern technology. Human geo today was the same as yesterday so it was pretty boring just taking notes even though human geo is my favorite subject.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


      Today in human geo, we had a shortened class because it was a Wednesday two hour late bell. We went over a lot of material and went straight back into learning after this long break. First, we went over exams which I think I did pretty good on, even though I could’ve done better. A lot of people got A’s in our class, but our essays are still not graded or put in power school. We also started another unit to finish off the semester since we have two more weeks called urban geography. We took a lot of notes on this section and we will probably take more notes tomorrow. Human geography was short today, but we did a lot of things to fill up the time.