Friday, December 13, 2013

Exam Study Guide

           In human geo today, we talked a lot about exams. He gave us a study guide and went over everything we should expect. Studying for exams is a lot of work and it's definitely not what I expected. I have never studied for semester exams because I have never had them. We didn't really do anything else in human geo today but this was our last class before exams so ill be sure to study hard.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Tests back

           Today in human geo, we got our tests back. Im really happy I got a 100 on the test. It made my day that it wasn't that hard. The average in the whole grade was a 90 and that was really good. Also, today we went over the questions on the test and answered every one to make sure we had the correct answers for the exam. The only other thing we did was talk about exams so were prepared for them. In today's human geo class, I was really happy not only because of my test grade, but also because today is a really easy day.

Monday, December 9, 2013

World Leaders

Government- Federal Republic
Leader- Enrique Pena Nieto

Government- Communist State
Leader- XI Jinping

Government- Federal Republic
Leader- Pranab Mukherjee

Government- Islamic Republic
Leader- Hamid Karzai

Government- Federal Republic
Leader- Joachim Gauck

Government- Constitutional Monarchy and Commonwealth Realm
Leader- Elizabeth II

Government- Republic
Leader- Francois Hollande

Government- Federal Republic
Leaders- Dilma Rousseff

Government- Federal Republic
Leaders- Nicolas Maduro Moros

Saudi Arabia
Government- Monarchy
Leader- Abdallah bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud

Government- Theocratic Republic
Leader- Ali Hoseini-Khamenei

 Government- Parliamentary Democracy
Leader- Shimon Peres

Friday, December 6, 2013


        Today in human geo, all we did was take a test. I actually still am in this class right now, but Mr. Schick said we could write ourblog. Currently, Mr Schick is grading the tests and I actually am pretty nervous about what I got, but I am pretty confident since I studied really hard. The test was only fifteen questions anyway so I don't think I did bad at all. Mr. Schick is back now so I can conclude that today's human geo class was ok.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

notes for tomorrow

Microfinance - a form of financial services for entrepreneurs and small businesses lacking access to banking and related services
Microloan - a small loan given to individuals who might not have access to typical banking services, usually to start or expand small, self-sufficient businesses
•As of November 26, 2013, Kiva has distributed $498,939,550 in loans from 1,015,823 lenders to 1,177,248 borrowers
•A total of 637,003 loans have been funded through Kiva
• The average loan size is $410.89
•The average Kiva user has made 10.06 loans
Kiva's current repayment rate for all its partners is 99.01% !
  • micro entrepreneurs who are trying to start (or kick start!) a small business
  • villagers needing to fund a clinic, hospital, or other health care facility (malaria treatment, drugs, hypos, refrigerators, sanitation)
  • teachers trying to run a school (buying anything from books and pencils to desks and chairs)
  • students wanting to further their education (college tuition)
  • high interest rates sometimes as high as 23%
  • The cost of providing banking services to those living in poverty is high.  Being the company that provides tiny loans that can be expensive.
  • MALARIA- It’s a mosquito-borne infectious disease
  • •humans and animals can be infected through the bite of a female mosquito
    •no vaccine exists 
    •it kills around 665,000 people a year, many of them children in sub-Saharan Africa
    •mosquito nets can be effective
  • philanthropy is the generous donation of money to good causes, and Bill and Melinda Gates are the second greatest philanthropists in history ($28 billion, ⅓ of their wealth)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Test Questions

Test Questions
1. What is Microfinance? Microfinance is the supply of loans, savings, and other basic financial services to people who do not have access to typical banking services

2. What does Kiva Do? Kiva provides people who don’t have the money to get a loan and start a business, also helps pay for insurance, it helps the local economy, it is an opportunity for the less fortunate, and it allows people to build their assets

3. What is Malaria? Malaria is  a life threatening sickness caused by transmitted mosquitoes. Doctors are working for a cure.

4.How does microfinance help to other people?Provides people who don’t have the money to get a loan and start a business, it also helps pay for insurance, helps the local economy, and it is an opportunity for the less fortunate.

5. What are microloans? They are loans that are given to people that need a “bust or push” to help them get a small business started. They can also be beneficial to their village or town. It also help investments in infrastructure, education, and legal forms.

6. What is a microlender?A Microlender is an organization that makes business loans to individuals who are not able to obtain financing from traditional lenders

7. What happens when the business is running smoothly and the owner is no longer in need of money? The owner will give the money back to the organization, once they have the money from the business.They also give the opportunity to have choices.

8. What would Kiva do If something was to happen  to a client's possession? The money the microfinance helped them save will cover the coast of the damage.

9.  About how many people use microfinance a year? About 160,000 people

10.What are the main problems that developing countries face? They suffer through drought, not enough clean water, famine, poor health care, pollution, and poverty

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Power point

     Today in human geo, I got all my retakes back. Other people got theirs back too, but I got a lot back. Also today, we found out Mr. Schick hates Disney world. Also, we went over a power point and took a lot of notes from it. My notes aren't on my blog because theyre all in one note. We also found out that we have a test Friday and im already starting to study for it. That's really all we did today. Human geo today was really interesting and I hope Fridays test will be really good so I can bring my grade up.