Wednesday, October 30, 2013


  • Islam is a monotheistic belief in a god or gods and is an Abrahamic religion
  • Muslims most live in Indonesia, Iran , Turkey, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and India.
  • The Qur'an book is like our bible
  • Followers of Islam are called Muslims
  • It is a belief that God is one, and the purpose is to love and serve him
  • It is also believed that Islam is the universal version of faith, and was revealed through Abraham, Jesus, and Moses
  • Allah
  • Allah is the one and only god who should be worshiped and obey
  • Allah is absolutely and completely perfect to them
  • No one shares divinity with Allah, neither angel nor human
  • Allah never sleeps, gets tired, or dies
  • Humans are not created in Allah's image
  • Humans can ask Allah for anything they want
  • 5 pillars of Islam practices
  • they must pray 5 times a day (get on the ground and face Mecca)
  • Haji means pilgrimage, which is the process of becoming Islamic
  • the haji consists of several ceremonies
  • they sacrifice sheep and the meat is distributed to friends
             denominations are:
  • roman catholic Baptist Presbyterian Lutheran protestant Methodist Mormon Jehovah's witness Quaker orthodox
  • 50 percent of Christians are catholic
  • population there are roughly 2.8 billion Christians in the world about 1/3
  • Christianity emerged in the Levant in the mid 1st century, Christianity spread Jerusalem throughout the near east.
  • a religion indigenous to the Indian subcontinent that encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs, and practices largely based on teachings.
  • 6% of the worlds population is Buddhism
  • the top 5 countries that practice Buddhism are china, japan, Thailand, Vietnam, and Myanmar
  • one of the oldest practices

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Power points

Today in human geography, we had a lot of shadows joining us to see what we learn. They all went to different schools and we got to meet them and see what their interests were. Other than that, today we got our quizzes back on cultural geography that we took last week. We checked and read our answers so everybody had them for the upcoming exams. We let some shadows read the answers, but all of them didn’t rally know the answer so they just read off of the ambassador’s papers. That took up most of the class today, but we still had a little bit of time. So, in that time, we checked our power points and revised them so that they were all good to present tomorrow in class. Human geography was a lot of fun today and I hope that I do well when I present my power point tomorrow.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Shadow and going over questions

            Today in human geography, I had a shadow named Sophia. She got to see what the class was like and see what kind of environment we have in the classrooms. Other than that, Mr. Schick told us that we had a quiz tomorrow and I was pretty nervous. After he told us that, he let Jasmine teach the class for some time. Jasmine was a very strict teacher and Mr. Schick liked that. Jasmine went over all the quiz questions we needed to know and asked us questions to see if we knew them. When Jasmine was done, Mr. Schick showed us a scene from a movie about political issues and how the United States is not the best country in the world. Today was a really fun human geo class and right now I am studying for the test, hoping for a decent grade so I can bring it up.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Human Geography

            Today in human geography we got a quiz that we took a couple days ago back. It was a quiz about the total fertility rate and the rate of natural increase. A lot of people didn’t get A’s on the test, only about 3 or 4 people did. We went over the answers to the test to make corrections and see if anyone had any questions. We also talked about the powder puff game that was today and Mr. Schick was really excited to see the seniors win. I think that today’s human geography class was interesting and informative.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Kiva and Quiz

           Today, I had human geography first, and we did a lot of work today. First, we took a test, which I didn’t think was that hard after all. I really hope I got a good grade on it so I can boost my grade up higher. The test didn’t take very long to do, so after we took it, we went to a website called kiva. Kiva is where you can loan people across the world money for them to buy stuff they need for businesses and then they pay you back within a couple months. Mr. Schick told us whatever class loaned more money gets a pizza party. I think that will motivate the grade to loan a lot of money. Human geo was a little boring today, but I still enjoyed it a little.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Test tomorrow and Shadow !

In today’s human geography class, I had a shadow. It was really fun and cool to have a shadow, because you get to show them the way around and what’s there to do. Once I introduced my shadow, we got to work. Mr. Schick told us everything that was going to be on our test tomorrow. I think that this test will not be that hard, because he told us most of the questions that were on the test. I really hope I pass this test because I want to make up for the last few tests. I also hope this test will not be that hard, so I can bring my grade up. Human geography today was really fun and entertaining and I hope that my shadow gets to go to John Carroll next year so she can have a good high school career.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


            Today in human geography, we got our tests back we took yesterday. The test seemed pretty easy to me, but I didn’t do that good on it. We went over all the questions so we could write down the right answer for our exams. After we got all that done, we went back over our power point we did yesterday. It is really amazing and shocking how many people don’t live to be that long. I learned a lot in human geography today and I hope next class will be just as fun.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Quiz and Notetaking

            In human geography today, we had a double mod so we did plenty of things. We had shadows come to our class, but Mr. Schick let them walk around and do whatever they wanted. When the shadows left, we took a quiz on the movie we have been watching the past three days. The quiz was not hard at all, it was easy because we could use our blog to help us with the quiz. That quiz took up our first mod, so after that when we were in the second mod we took some notes from a power point about the population of different countries. We learned that there was three different kinds of population graph shapes: A Christmas tree, a box, and a cup. I think that I learned a lot in human geography today and my learning was put to the test a lot in this class.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

God Grew Tired of Us

            Today in human geography, it felt just like yesterday. We basically did the same exact thing today. The same thing happened with the sound again, it didn’t work, so Mr. Schick had to restart his computer to get it to work. After the sound got to work, we continued to watch the movie we were watching previous days. There is really nothing much to say about today, other than what I just said, but I really am enjoying the movie. I find it really interesting how these Sudanese came to America and tried to make a living. I am really excited to see what happens at the end because we get to see if they make it in America, or go back to the refugee camp in Kenya.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Movie today

            Today in human geography, we watched some more of the ‘God Grew Tired of Us” movie. In the beginning though, our sound didn’t work so that took up about ten minutes of the class to fix. After we got all that sorted out, we continued to the movie. It is so depressing that the Sudanese always think about their friends in Kenya at the camp. It just shows how much they love and care for each other. I found it really wild that the Sudanese didn’t even know what a shower is or how to use one. It is really sad that other people have to live in such horrible conditions and try to survive while we have whatever we want. Human Geography class really teaches me to be thankful for what I have and to not take things for granted every day.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Movie today

    Today in human geography I don’t think we did much. All we did was watch a movie about Sudan and wars. It’s really depressing to see all these people die for something they can’t help. We learned what happened during that war and that the Sudanese had to move from Ethiopia to Kenya and they had to stay there for a decade. After a few years went by, some people were chosen to move to the United States which was a great opportunity for the Sudanese. Mr. Schick also had us take some important notes on the movie. We haven’t finished the movie, but I think we will tomorrow.